MK91816 Ultra-Fast Turn-off Synchronous Rectifier Controller

The MK91816 is a compact secondary side 
synchronous rectifier controller and driver for 
high frequency and high-performance flyback 
converters. It is compatible with DCM, CCM 
and QR operations.
The MK91816 generates its own supply while 
used in high-side rectification, which 
eliminates the need of external supply 
generated by auxiliary winding of the 
The extremely low 10ns turn−off propagation 
delay time and high sink current (~4A)
capability of the driver improve SR VDS stress 
at CCM mode.
The unique VG clamping circuit works well to 
prevent VG from turning on by fast rising at VD 
pin with no VCC, that avoids the shoot through 
between primary side and secondary side 
during system startup even if the SR VCC is 
still below 2V.

Typical Applications
AC/DC Adapters for Mobile Phone and
High Power density AC/DC Power
Operates in a Wide Output Voltage Range
Down to Zero Voltage
Self-supply for Operation with Low Output
Voltage and/or Highside Rectification without
an Auxiliary Winding
Gate Drive Clamp Voltage is Up to 9.5V
10ns Fast Turn-off and 25ns Turn-on Delay
Programable Minimum on time to support wide
frequency range
VD/HVIN Pin Supports Negative Voltage
Spikes Down to -3V
VG Clamping Circuit works well for low Vth
Value of MOSFET
Optimized for up to 1MHz Frequency
Supports Active Clamp Flyback with GaN FET
or Super-junction MOSFET at Primary Side
Supports DCM, QR and CCM Operations
Supports both High-side and Low-side
Adaptive Gate Drive for Maximum Efficiency
SOT23-6 Package Available


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