The VTran VAS815 is one type of sensors for angle and rotary
speed measurement designed for magnetic saturating field sensing.
The VAS815 contains dual saturated-mode Wheatstone bridge
elements co-located to provide a high accuracy and a wide range of
angle measurement. Applications for the VAS815 sensors include
Position Sensing, Rotary Speed and Angle Detection, and Non-contact
precision location measurement systems.
The VAS815 sensors utilize VTran’s Anisotropic Magnetoresistive (AMR) technology that provides
advantages over hall-effect based magnetic sensors. They have high sensitivity and angle resolution, and are
able to resolve better than tenths of a degree. Meanwhile, they can withstand large variations in
magnet-to-sensor gaps, and exhibit insensitivity to shocks and vibrations.
VTran’s Magnetic Sensors are among the most accurate and reliable angular sensors in the industry.
These are highly reliable, top performance products when delivered